all postcodes in TF9 / MARKET DRAYTON

find any address or company within the TF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF9 4AA 1 52.915649 -2.460736
TF9 4AB 0 52.924646 -2.46333
TF9 4AD 0 52.927177 -2.461304
TF9 4AE 0 52.929999 -2.459996
TF9 4AF 0 52.927583 -2.451743
TF9 4AG 1 52.927649 -2.445957
TF9 4AH 0 52.934032 -2.432023
TF9 4AJ 0 52.937079 -2.431533
TF9 4AL 0 52.941308 -2.43345
TF9 4AN 0 52.943789 -2.440886
TF9 4AP 0 52.945779 -2.439909
TF9 4AQ 0 52.934061 -2.433362
TF9 4AR 0 52.961121 -2.435375
TF9 4AS 0 52.944514 -2.444152
TF9 4AT 1 52.942647 -2.445249
TF9 4AU 0 52.943508 -2.445719
TF9 4AW 0 52.944652 -2.441043
TF9 4AX 0 52.945347 -2.445098
TF9 4AY 0 52.94853 -2.449506
TF9 4AZ 0 52.957494 -2.458397